Neural ODEs comes from ResNets
As these models grew to hundreds of layers deep, ResNets’ performance decreased. Deep learning had reached its limit. We need state-of-the-art performance to train deeper networks.
It also directly adds the input to the output, this shortcut connection improves the model since, at the worst, the residual block does not do anything.
One final thought. A ResNet can be described by the following equation:
h_{t+1} = h_{t}+f(h_{t},\theta_{t})
h - value of the hidden layer;
t - tell us which layer we are look at
the next hidden layer is the sum of the input and a function of the input as we have seen.
Find introduction to ResNets in Reference
Euler’s Method
How Neural ODEs work
Above equation seems like calculus, and if you don’t remember from calculus class, the Euler’s method is the simplest way to approximate the solution of a differential equation with initial value.
Initial value problem:y’(t)=f(t,y(t)), y(t_{0})=y_{0}
Euler’s Method: y_{n+1}=y_{n}+hf(t_{n},y_{n})
through this we can find numerical approximation
Euler’s method and ResNets equation are identical, the only difference being the step size $h$, that is multiplied by the function. Because of this similarity, we can think ResNets is underlying differential equation.
Instead of going from diffeq to Euler’s method, we can reverse engineer the problem. Starting from the ResNet, the resulting differential equation is
Neural ODE: {\frac{dh(t)}{dt}} = f(h(t),t,\theta)
which describes the dynamics of our model.
The Basics
how a Neural ODE works
The Neural ODEs combines two concepts: deep learning and differential equations, we use the most simple methods - Euler’s method to make predictions.
How do we train it?
Adjoint method
Include using another numerical solver to run backwards through time (backpropagating) and updating the model’s parameters.
- Defining the architecture:
- Defining a neural ODE:
- Put it all together into one:
Adjoint Method
part 3 - how a Neural ODE backpropagates with the adjoint method
this part - Adjoint Method
Model Comparison
Start with a simple machine learning model to showcase its strengths and weaknesses
ResNets model with lower time per epoch, and Neural ODEs model with more time.
ResNets model with more memory, and ODE model with O(1) space usage.
Overall, one of the main benefits is the constant memory usage while training the model. However, this comes at the cost of training time.
VAE[Variational Autoencoders]
Generative model: Able to generate samples like those in training data
VAE is a directed generative model with observed and latent variables, which give us a atent space to sample from.
In view of the application that interpolate between sentences, I will use VAE to connect RNN and ODE.
When as Inference model, the input $x$ is passed to the encoder network, producing an approximate posterior $q(z|x)$ over latent variables.
Sentence prediction by conventional autoencoder
Sentences produced by greedily decoding from points between two sentence encodings with a conventional autoencoder. The intermediate sentences are not plausible English.
VAE Language Model
Words are represented using a learned dictionary of embedding words
VAE sentence interpolation
- Paths between random points in VAE space
- Intermediate sentences are grammatical
- Topic and syntactic structure are consistent
Breakdown of another deep learning breakthrough
- First, we encode the input sequence with some “standard” time series algorithms, let’s say RNN to obtain the primary embedding of the process
- Run the embedding through the Neural ODE to get the “continuous” embedding
- Recover initial sequence from the “continuous” embedding in VAE fashion
VAE as a generative model
variational autoencoder approach
A generative model through sampling procedure:
Training :
Define Model
1 | class RNNEncoder(nn.moudle): |
1 | class NeuralODEDecoder(nn.Module): |
1 | class ODEVAE(nn.Module): |